Brazilian Bojon

the uncle velvet world tour is in full effect!!!
here's an update from the avunclar one himself, reporting on the first leg of his bojourn in Brazil:
While San Francisco is Bojon's physical headquarters, its spritual mecca may very well be in Brasil.

The warmth and vibrancy of its people, the beauty of its places, the rhythms of its music, and the muito tranquillo attitude of it all wholly embodies the tao of bojon and offered the perfect jumping off point for my journey around the world.

Over the past six weeks, the first leg of my trip which could aptly be dubbed the Brazilian Beach Tour.

I've chilled and partied on urban beaches (Copacabana and Ipanema in Rio, Barra in Salvador and Ponta Negra in Natal), the island beaches of Morro de Sao Paulo and Fernando de Naronha and one of the most beautiful spots in the world, Jericoacoara.

I've met some wonderful like-spirited travelers and been welcomed with open arms by locals, who to a person, could not go further out of their way to be of help and make sure you enjoy your stay in a country that they all take tremendous pride in.

My only regret is that its time to move on, flying next to Buenos Aries and the mountains of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. I easily could have spent a year or more in Brasil alone, and not tired of it.

But its a big world, with much more to see...I'm just thankful to have chosen Brasil to set the journey in motion. Muito obrigado, Brasil!

viva la velvet!!!
to read more about the Adventures of Uncle Velvet, check out the travel journal site he is maintaining.
Posted by bojon at December 14, 2004 01:14 AM