this year is the 20th anniversary of this glorious event, and so there's a heightened buzz around the upcoming festivities.
the SF Chronicle has actually taken to running a series of features throughout the summer covering the build-up. here are a few links to some of the articles:
and, of course, there's nothing like a mini temple right in our own back yard to stoke the burning man fire.
petuluma artist, david best, known for the magnificient temples he creates each year for burning man, was commissioned to construct a modified version here in san francisco.
the piece sits in the newly revitalized Hayes Green area, located on Octavia between Hayes and Fell Streets and will be in place until mid-September. defintely worth a field trip over to check it out if you can swing it.
or better yet, come on out to the dessert in a month or so and check out the real thing!