EuroBojon: Tack Så Mycket

onward by train across the the kattegat strait and into sweden to catch the end of an era as the legendary 29er (aka Mookie Dulles) tied the knot with his swedish-born gal, ulrica.

a day at ulrica's parent's farm near osby was a grand way to get into the swedish flow and connect with the 29er's brother and sister. the farm itself was a quaint collection of farmhouses on a couple of acres that ulrica's family operates as a bed & breakfast.

we then settlled in at a groovy little harbor town nearby called Karlshamn to chill with the rest of the wedding guests as they rolled in. cool to explore Karlshamn and soak in some of the swedish culture.

the wedding ceremony itself was held in an idyllic outdoor setting along a lake on the outskirts of karlshamn. the place had a majestic feel to it, and fortunately some threatening skies turned friendly just in time for the service to take place.

always entertaining to see one of your friends take the fall, but especially moving when it's one of your best bros and closest running mates for over 20 years. man, i remember the time...

the festivities moved inside for the reception, and it was great to throw back a few luftas with a bunch of the 29er's college buddies. was also great to break out a rousing (if not tonal) rendition of Take Me Out To The Ball Game in a classically american response to the traditional folk tunes that the swedish contingent offered up in perfect harmony.

also good times hanging with the 29er's brother, brett, who is rocking moscow these days as an accomlished scribe and all-around hipster. the bojon beats strong in that cat.
and so, there you have it: if you gotta go down, best to go down in style.

next stop: prague...
Posted by bojon at August 15, 2005 10:31 PM