May 09, 2009

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009: Back To Where We Were

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009


festbaby festbaby 1-2-3-4, festbaby festbaby 1-2-3...

rip roarin' return to the hallowed grounds of the jazz fest this year. we assembled a quality crew, dropped in like wily veterans, and put the pedal to the metal. max speed pinned the dial... and at least one report had the bojon shuffle running a half step ahead of everybody, and a half hour behind the rest.

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009 Photo Gallery

the fest has been magical for us over the years, and it's hard to ever call one year any better than the others. we've been there for perfect conditions, outright monsoons, dave mathews for the masses, widespread for the heads, zz top for the carp, john mayer for the teeny-boppers... we've cavorted in misting tents, horse stables, porta-potties, elevators, grandstands, and school auditoriums.

Bojon Jazz Fest '07

the net net of it all? well, we've ceased talking about ever topping a previous year. in fact, we've come to the realization that all we're trying to do each year is get back to where we were.

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009

and, i'm stoked to report, we got there this year. right back to where we were the last time we were here. which closely resembled the trip before, which was modeled on the year prior. ah yes, home sweet home.

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009

a treat to hang with the usual suspects as well as the extended cadre of fest regulars. the reality of the rest of the year keeps many of us from connecting along the way, but when we reconvene at the fest it's like a time capsule. you pick up the conversation right where you left it and flow through to the next one with refreshing ease.

Jazz Fest 2009

and BIG props to agent mikey D who made it to the fairgrounds for the first time this year and played it like a pro. he hit is so deep that after the 2am galactic show at Tips, he found his way to a locals bar and had the home team shaking their heads with respect. "How did YOU get here?" was all they could say as they poured him drink after drink on the house.

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009

musical highlights from this year included james taylor and joe cocker on the main stage, amanda shaw & the cute guys (with high school mate, tim robertson on guitar), spoon and wilco on the gentilly stage, and rebirth brass brand, karl denson, and the funky meters for the night shows.

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009

by the time we set sail for the airport we were already plotting our return... and dropping breadcrumbs along the way to make sure we could get right back to that very spot from whence we came...

Bojon Jazz Fest 2009

Posted by bojon at 12:13 AM