What's New From Peru?
so agent willie is down in peru this month traveling with his dance troupe.

between shows, he and uncle ben are checking out the sights and doing more than a little mountain climbing.
here's a snippet from his latest update:
wicked mountains...freaking massive ravines..absurd Inca ruins....catching email in Cuzco, Peru...awesome throwback town...sweet hunnies and bad beer...just came back from Machu Pichu...climbed some steep slopes to catch the views and snap pics....will be heading to the town of Huaraz in a couple days to hook up with our guide and attempt our mountain..weather is excellent..train ride into aquas caliente (base of machu michu) was dicey...train felt like it was gunna derail at any time..have not been hichjacked yet..have not gotten food poisining yet..so all is well....have the bojon flag ready to unfurrle at the top...snapped multiple rolls of film in the peruvian hinterland..will give sweet slide show upon return...picking up email again in Lima before return, so let me know if you want anything sweet (alpaca hats, wall hangings, freaking just about anything) and can bring it back..all the dancing has been great...the shows have been packed...we're famous in peru. anyway, back in a flash, perhaps with a new peruvian bride.
get your bojon on, willie!!!

Posted by bojon at July 9, 2003 08:58 AM