Bravin' The Brew In Machu Picchu
the adventures of agent willie and uncle ben continue as our heroes criss-cross peru taking on altitude sickness, transporation chaos, bad beer, and menacing viruses.

here's an excerpt from willie's last missive:
...have now arrived in the town of Huaraz after negotiating the 12,000 foot pass in the back of a bus. complementary game of bingo was provided, as well as a slice of chicken with rice...not bad....huaraz sits nestled in a valley surrounded by 6000 meter peaks...all jagged, serrated ridges with nasty fluting at unbelievable heights....check out the book Touching the Void...about a misshap on Siule Grande, just south of here...Huaraz is a mining town, but attracts climbers from all over the also boasts a hopping bar built for bilbo baggins....gets going at about midnight...pounds out latin music (putting mariochhi bands to shame)...but then kicks into hard core techno late night...memories of Stadium in Jakarta raised the blood pressure as sexy hunnies sent their hips into constant giration...llhama herders by day, sweet peruvian dancers by night...we set out on our first acclimatization hike yesterday, huffing up to 13,000 feet to a glacial lake at the bottom of a massive slab of granite...i felt unduly weak and soon collapsed under a rock, slept for 3 hours and awoke realizing i have contracted a wicked doubt from the bilbo baggins hut where i pounded bad beer (most without carbonation) and chased after llhama herders until the morning....i have been flat on my back for 2 days trying to get the feet again...luckily uncle ben is nearby with the full pharmacy of drugs...i have been force-fed horse pills that have entered my gullet after the mantra ¨aey, that´s the ticket!¨.....constant flow of liquids into the body and then directly out again....recylcing at its most efficient level....i am hoping with all hopes that i will be fit for the next round of acclimatization i will miss...but uncle ben has left his little satchel of horse pills, what was that recommended dosage again?...
godspeed, fellas!

Posted by bojon at July 14, 2003 12:08 AM