A Modest Cub Prawl

not sure if we were crawling to the '05 finish line or crawling to the '06 starting gate, but a cadre of hooligans jumped the gun on new years festivities by stringing together a spirited pub crawl on dec. 30th.

our path took us from the upper haight down into the lower haight spilling into hayes valley and finally ending up south of market.
venues along the way were:
- Murio's Trophy Room
- Hobson's Choice
- Marting Mack's
- Club Deluxe
- Molotov's
- Mad Dog in the Fog
- Rickshaw Stop
- Mr. Smith's

rules were minimal and the timeline for each stop was variable. sometimes we had one brew and split; other times we had three mixed drinks and chilled. sometimes we talked smack to the locals; other times we kept it tight.

the best bar along the way was probably Rickshaw's on Fell. we had our groove pretty well on at that point, and our enthusiasm was well received by the staff. a few gratis rounds later, we were... well, boisterous.
most unique stop went to the impromtu pow wow we had on someone's stoop in the lower haight. not sure what brought it on. or how long we were there. but fun was had.

by the time we rolled into mr. smith's on 7th street, the wheels were getting a bit squirely, and the hinges were loosening.

but this being our last stop, and the collective buzz being strong, we just rode things out. perhaps made a few friends. perhaps lost a few. time elapsed in freeze frames until somebody said last call.
wow, already?
shout out to agent lockwood for conceiving of this merriment. just what the doctor ordered. sort of like the prospect 13. but different...

Posted by bojon at January 1, 2006 10:09 PM