a thursday night of debachery in san fran stirred the pot in traditionally chaotic fashion. good fun, as the front street scene served up a reliably festive affair.
yet another classic penguin smackdown as the 8:30am flight left without one disgruntled passenger.
no worries. except for the fact that all the flights the rest of the day were booked.
a plethora of blood maries tempered the waiting game until finally a spot opened up mid day.
all downhill from there as vegas offered it up right out of the brochure.
an excursion to the MGM to catch the morales fight was a special treat. sweet to take in this live event, especally since we were styled by the big man as VIPs.
women and children beware, there's a new piva in town...
muy bueno!
... what the surf's like in Nicaragua today?
well, now you can find out. seems that agent mcbryan is sharpening his web skillz and is now posting a daily report on the central american surf.
to check it out, click here. it's the next best thing to being there!
annual Bojon board meeting took place in steamboat again this year...
word up to Bojon NYC's latest addition, brought to us by Saint Nicholas Beermonger and the wunderbar Ms. Tracy.
three cheers for ava lily, born march 7th...
pisces soul sistas!
a little cake to celebrate the occasion...
the surf's been active lately.
uh, you think?
in fact, the Maverick's surf contest was held last wednesday at the world renown big-wave spot in half moon bay. a twenty-year-old named anthony tashnick took home the prestigous title of year's annual event, which isn't held unless the waves are north of 20 feet.
"I was just lucky today," tashnick was quoted as saying in the sf chronicle's article about the event.
lucky... and good.
here's tashnick going big...
here's a little bootleg from the affair:
what started out as a "comeback" riding the coattails of jack johnson (whose style was actually influenced by G Love), has now crescendoed into bonafide return to fame, as witnessed by the packed house at the warfield.
it's gotta be the shoes. or at least the special sauce.
Aliases: Incanus, Olorin, Tharkun, LathSpell, Grey Pilgrim, Grey Wanderer, Stormcrow, Greyhame, Mithrandir, Grey Fool, The White Rider, Zorro, Yum Beer
Date of Birth: ?
Race: Maia(ish)
Origin: Unknown
Affiliation: Beermonger
Time: 6am
Height: Tough to pinpoint, but bent
Date of Death: TBD
Alignment: Good
Ailments: None
Skills: Many
Parents: sketchy
Known For: Tenacity
to keep track of the avuncular one's mischievous ways, check out his travel journal. clearly, my good man is having a blast, and in doing so is finding his voice.
one of his recent entries before he left for africa had a particularly strong resonance in the Kingdom:
Slowly but surely, "can't be bothered" has worked its way into my lexicon as a favorite phrase and one that's been put to good use here in Lima.Its usage is varied, but its various forms always capture the clinical insouciance that often creeps in while on the road for extended periods of time... especially as my time on this continent winds down. Examples of my new favorite phrase in action are as follows...
The woman's thong on the dog's head would make a great photo, but I CAN'T BE BOTHERED to get off my arse to fetch the camera.
I suspect that there are some wonderful colonial buildings (perhaps even an old church or two) and fantastic museums here in Lima, but I CAN'T BE BOTHERED to leave my bed during daylight hours to venture forth from Barranco.
The beach at the bottom of the cliff or the paragliders flying high above it looks like good fun, but I CAN'T BE BOTHERED to go up or down.
Yeah, I kinda look like a migrant farm worker, but I CAN'T BE BOTHERED to actually shave or get my hair cut.
Yes Paul, I'm sure the friend of the bird you're trying to pull wants to tie me up and bust out a fresh jar of Jiffy, but I CAN'T BE BOTHERED to walk down to that end of the bar and navigate my way through a Spanglish conversation with yet another opportunistic gringo hunter.
You get the gist.
uncle velvet, that's beautiful!