July 23, 2005
Bojon in Bangkok

sista lulii on a walk-about of her own these days, and she sent in these shots from her spin through thailand.
the tower of power...

the monk and the engineer...

canoe to work day...

tusk painting...

fresh fish...

another day at the market...

the temptress...

Posted by bojon at
06:50 PM
July 22, 2005
Turkish Bojon

uncle velvet's bojon adventure marches on as our worldly ambassodor continues to spread the good word in lands far and wide.
his latest outreach program brought him to Olympus along Turkey's Mediterranean coast where he kicked it in this groovy ole tree house...

here's hoping the avuncular one makes it back to Black Rock City in a few weeks to regale us with tales of the high seas!
Posted by bojon at
12:57 AM
July 21, 2005
The Man Burns in 44 Days

burning man prep in full swing as the annual pilgrimage to the desert fast approaches.
this year is the 20th anniversary of this glorious event, and so there's a heightened buzz around the upcoming festivities.
the SF Chronicle has actually taken to running a series of features throughout the summer covering the build-up. here are a few links to some of the articles:
and, of course, there's nothing like a mini temple right in our own back yard to stoke the burning man fire.

petuluma artist, david best, known for the magnificient temples he creates each year for burning man, was commissioned to construct a modified version here in san francisco.
the piece sits in the newly revitalized Hayes Green area, located on Octavia between Hayes and Fell Streets and will be in place until mid-September. defintely worth a field trip over to check it out if you can swing it.
or better yet, come on out to the dessert in a month or so and check out the real thing!

Posted by bojon at
10:42 PM
July 11, 2005
Travelin' Light

a jammin' little bojaunt this past weekend to catch widespread panic at the greek theatre in berkeley.
we kicked things off with a pre-concert chill session on the Cal campus, settling in next to the Campanile bell tower for a little frisbee toss. refreshing to take in the late afternoon sunshine as a bunch of summer school types milled about. good vibes.

we then hit the greek, and caught up with a bunch of mates at the beer garden. the show itself was a real treat, with a rousing rendition of Travelin' Light to close out the first set sticking out as the musical highlight.

we then somehow managed our way back through the berkeley campus and found ourselves at Ashkenaz for a sweet afterparty with a widespread cover band.

the AM hours came too quickly, but that's how these nights go.
package outings like these in pill form, and you'd really be onto something. any takers?

Posted by bojon at
11:09 PM
July 08, 2005
Oh Agent_30, Where Art Thou?
it seems our direct connection to the youth of today, the illustrious Agent_30, has been MIA lately. reports back to headquarters have been sparse, and actual sightings have been rarer still.
but wait... could it be? yes, yes, a message from the field from our wanton prodigy.
what's the word, Agent_30?
Ah ha, greetings to the Kingdom. While many moons have passed since i last caught the crew in New Orleans, rest assured that i am alive and kicking it, with an emphasis on the latter.
The Pro Party Tour has rolled on as I continue to tear the nights away, like a frantic hamster in a newspaper press. You see, I am fast approaching an imminent marriage to the beautiful Foxxy one, and so this young Agent is making his final rounds as a solo warrior.

A wise man once said: "The only way to prepare for the team is to perfect thyself." With this in mind I have committed to completing my solo missions with the finality of Mike Tyson’s career.

From the Fairgrounds to the North Shore, I have explored. From the Town to the Country, I've made the scene. From China Beach to North Beach and everything in between, I have touched all bases.

But alas, as this tour draws to a close, i turn my sights to the Foxxy one that lies ahead. and i smile.

Cheers to the Kingdom, and remember: just because you don't see me, doesn't mean I'm not out there.
- Agent_30
and there you have it, my friends. Agent_30 making the elders proud.
Posted by bojon at
11:26 PM