November 15, 2006

Chuggin' For Charity

friends of Bojon are throwing a shindig this saturday (November 18th) to raise money for the Neonatal Care Center at Children's Hospital.

the gig will be held at Broadway Studios in San Francisco and will feature three bands (headliner is bojon favorite, Justi*Fi) playing a range of tunes from reggae/ska to 80s new wave to good old rock & roll. a DJ will also be in the mix before and after each set.

come on out this saturday and toss back a few for a good cause!

    Date & Time: Saturday, November 18th, 2006, 8pm-1am (21 & over)
    Location: Broadway Studios, San Francisco
    Address: 435 Broadway (North Beach)
    Entertainment: 3 live bands (Justi*Fi) plus DJ
    Cover: $10 at the door


Posted by bojon at 10:55 PM

November 11, 2006

Elvis Archer

Elvis Archer

there's a storm brewin in the great northwest, and heritage has everything to do with it.

recently overheard one latenight outside of The Crib Club in seattle:

Rhythm is something you either have or don't have,
but when you have it you have it all over.

warn your toddlers, post signs at the pre-schools, and be tight with your curfews... 'cause this one will steal their innocence and try to sell it back to you.

Elvis Archer

Posted by bojon at 02:08 PM

November 10, 2006

Long Live The Beermongers


and this report in from the field:

a score of beermongering was commemorated recently with a no-holds-barred shindig in the big apple.

perfect weather and a grand rooftop setting set the stage for an old school throwdown.

nicky g was right, this soiree should have started a 6am:

    exceesive drinking... check.

    boisterous shenanigans... check.

    vandalism... check.

    complaints filed... check.

    authoriteies called... check.

    diabolical ingenuity wins in the end... check.


and, just as the script said it would, things got out of hand. you see, by definition, beermongers will be beermongers.

just ask dean deignan.

and so, while this particular rooftop will never see the beermongers again (sincere apologies to CC), there will be other gatherings, in parts unknown, with similar results.

long live the beermongers...


Posted by bojon at 03:28 PM

November 09, 2006


Bojon Mauiween

and the good times did roll as we took the show to the islands last week for some stone cold kickin' it on maui.

lots of mellow beach time supplemented by a blowout bash in lahaina for halloween. all hallow's eve transforms the typically laid back island into a soiree known as "the mardi gras of the pacific" with over 10,000 people gettin' jiggy with it along the main drag on front street.

the event starts out as a nice family affair featuring a kids parade straight down the middle of town. all sorts of stages line the streets and a variety of live music fills the air.

once darkness falls, the families disperse and the dark arts take hold. lots of good action here as a solid mixture of locals and tourists get familiar with one another.

must say that this year seemed a little more toned down than a few years back... but maybe that was just the view from the reflecting pool.

Bojon Mauiween

we stationed ourselves down in kihei at a sweet condo right acorss from the wailea golf course. killer view of the ocean from the deck, 5 minute walk to the beach, beautiful swimming pool on the property. no doubt about it, good living all around.

Bojon Mauiween

managed to catch a week straight of beautiful weather and fun, chest high surf. daily routine took us up the coast toward lahaina where we stationed ourselves at a statepark that had a steady reef break and a nice tide pool for the kids to frolic in.

all sorts of superheroes getting their surf on:

totally nice to break away from the mainland grind and immerse ourselves with suntans, high tides, and lava flows.

Bojon Mauiween

of course, re-entry from such a bojourn is always tough, but having a full charge on the batteries feels good.

and brining back some of that aloha spirit makes the day-to-day seem so much lighter...

Bojon Mauiween

Posted by bojon at 10:26 PM

November 02, 2006

Come For The Sunrise, Stay For The Tikila

Bojon Tikila Sunrise

come on y'all, let's take a ride... to a groovy little place called da tikila sunrise.

[hint: find the links to get to the fireworks]

a plethora of shenanigans out there on the fringe of black rock city. madd props to all who brought their mojo to the fray...

Bojon Tikila Sunrise

Posted by bojon at 10:15 PM