December 30, 2004
Bojon For The Holidays

may the spirit of the season carry with you into the new year!!!

Posted by bojon at
08:05 PM
December 29, 2004
Vicarious Ink: Vietnam
special K and sista rachel, deep undercover in vietnam:
josepi, doing his best to blend in...

chill, blending in...

Ha Long Bay, 'Where the Large and Dangerous Dragon descends into the Sea'

Cat Ba City...

Cat Ba Beach...

north vietnam mountain range near the chinese border...

conrad's dream girl...

the only way to beat the heat...

special K, stoked for happy hour...

sista rach, now a local by day...

and a local by night...

ah yes, rice padis galore...

the density that is the jungle...

special K surveying the Vin Moc Tunnels...

and the Hue Creek...

and yes, a slice of Bojon, Vietnamese style...

Posted by bojon at
09:27 PM
December 15, 2004
Raider Nation

and then it came time to take a little field trip to oaktown to catch a raiders game.
and oh yes, the carnival atmosphere we were hoping for was there.
was everywhere.
strong, strong vibe all around. pure, raw, infectious energy.
the concourse around the stadium was one steady buzz.
and we had a blast!

biletnikoff was there. and stabler. cliff branch. and dave casper. of course, the assassin, jack tatum. ted hendricks. even mark van egan. lester hayes. with his stickem. jim plunkett. howie long.
you see, the raiders have a grand tradition.
and the fans worship this.
marcus allen. yep. tim brown. for sure. bo jackson. well, he did run right over bosworth.
the long and short of it is that the electricity was tangible.

holy contrast: this event juxtaposed against a live 49ers game a few weeks back is simply RIDUCULAR.
good to see the ladies getting at it as well. old school.

and an exciting contest to boot. check out the time trent green had on this play.

he stepped up in the pocket and tossed a 70 yd ticket to paydirt with two minutes to go to win the game, 34-27.
raiders opted not to have janakowski try a 53 yarder a minute earlier. in hindsight, that was a mistake. but no matter.
the day was glorious.

Posted by bojon at
11:29 PM
December 14, 2004
Brazilian Bojon

the uncle velvet world tour is in full effect!!!
here's an update from the avunclar one himself, reporting on the first leg of his bojourn in Brazil:
While San Francisco is Bojon's physical headquarters, its spritual mecca may very well be in Brasil.

The warmth and vibrancy of its people, the beauty of its places, the rhythms of its music, and the muito tranquillo attitude of it all wholly embodies the tao of bojon and offered the perfect jumping off point for my journey around the world.

Over the past six weeks, the first leg of my trip which could aptly be dubbed the Brazilian Beach Tour.

I've chilled and partied on urban beaches (Copacabana and Ipanema in Rio, Barra in Salvador and Ponta Negra in Natal), the island beaches of Morro de Sao Paulo and Fernando de Naronha and one of the most beautiful spots in the world, Jericoacoara.

I've met some wonderful like-spirited travelers and been welcomed with open arms by locals, who to a person, could not go further out of their way to be of help and make sure you enjoy your stay in a country that they all take tremendous pride in.

My only regret is that its time to move on, flying next to Buenos Aries and the mountains of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. I easily could have spent a year or more in Brasil alone, and not tired of it.

But its a big world, with much more to see...I'm just thankful to have chosen Brasil to set the journey in motion. Muito obrigado, Brasil!

viva la velvet!!!
to read more about the Adventures of Uncle Velvet, check out the travel journal site he is maintaining.
Posted by bojon at
01:14 AM
December 01, 2004
Shark Tail
whoa, nellie. i think we need a bigger boat...
this catch took place about a month ago and just hit the Bojon inbox the other day, courtesy of judge HiRew:
Jaws Shark Caught in Yarmouth Nova Scotia
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 22:27:58 -0400

This Mako was hooked in the mouth, only fought slightly for 15 minutes, came up along side of the boat to have a look, long enough for one of the crew to put a rope around it's tail!!! That's when the s**t hit the fan!!
The Shark took off towing the 42 foot fishing boat backwards through the water at about 7 Knots. Just like in JAWS. The boat was taking on water, the Shark would jump completely out of the water at times.
This went on for an hour before the Shark actually drowned.
The Shark weighed in at 1035 LBS.

Posted by bojon at
10:17 PM